Is bright red blood present with stool a symptom of rectal cancer?
While bright red blood in stool (hematochezia) can indeed be a symptom of rectal cancer, it is essential to note that it does not necessarily mean cancer. Rectal bleeding can have various causes, and it is important to undergo diagnostic testing to determine the underlying medical condition.
Causes of Bright Red Blood in Stool:
- Hemorrhoids: These swollen veins in the rectum can cause painless bleeding, often bright red in color, during or after bowel movements.
- Anal fissures: Tears or cracks in the skin surrounding the anus can result in streaks of bright red blood on toilet paper or in the stool.
- Infectious colitis: Infections such as bacterial or viral gastroenteritis can cause inflammation of the colon and lead to bloody stools.
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Conditions like Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis can result in rectal bleeding, along with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.
- Diverticular disease: Small pouches that form in the colon (diverticula) can bleed and present as bright red blood in stool.
- Rectal cancer: Bleeding from rectal tumors can manifest as bright red blood, often mixed with stool. However, rectal cancer may also present with other symptoms, such as persistent changes in bowel habits, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.
It is crucial to seek medical attention if you experience bright red blood in your stool, especially if accompanied by other concerning symptoms. A doctor will be able to perform a proper evaluation, including a physical examination, blood tests, stool analysis, and imaging studies (such as colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy) as necessary, to determine the cause of the bleeding and provide appropriate treatment.
If bright red blood in stool is a symptom of rectal cancer, early diagnosis and intervention are of the utmost importance. Rectal cancer, when detected and treated at an early stage, has a better chance of successful management and improved long-term outcomes. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional promptly if you notice bright red blood in your stool.