Stomach Cancer Stages
In order to determine the best course of treatment, doctors need to determine how far the cancer has progressed and whether it has invaded the liver, pancreas, lymph nodes and other organs. The following tests may be carried out to evaluate what stage the cancer is at: blood tests, chest x-ray, CT scan, laproscopy or endoscopic ultrasound.
Stage 0
Cancer isn't usually diagnosed at this very early stager. Cancer cells are present in the inner lining of the stomach but are contained, and there is little risk of the cancer spreading.
Stage I
In stage I, either cancer cells have not yet reached the lymph nodes and other organs of the body, or the cancer cells have invaded the submucosa and affected up to six lymph nodes.
Stage II
In stage II, the cancer has grown into nearby lymph nodes, as well as the muscle layer of the stomach, or it may have spread through the stomach wall.
Stage III
In stage III, the cancer has spread to the muscle layer, and between seven and 15 lymph nodes are affected with cancer cells. Or organs located nearby like the spleen and liver are also affected
Stage IV
Cancer has spread into the inner layer, and at least 15 lymph nodes are affected, or it has spread to other organs of the body via the lymphatic system and bloodstream. .