Early Signs of Stomach Cancer
Earliest signs
When stomach cancer is in its earliest stages there are few symptoms of the disease. Some that may present themselves include discomfort in the stomach and indigestion after meals. There can be a sensation in someone with stomach cancer early on of feeling bloated after consuming a meal. Mild bouts of nausea and a loss of appetite are possible as well as heartburn, as stomach acid backs up into the lower esophagus. But these signs of stomach cancer closely resemble those of a peptic ulcer or acid reflux disease, making it hard to pinpoint stomach cancer as the culprit.
One of the earliest signs of stomach cancer is bleeding internally on a microscopic level, but this symptom can only be revealed by specific tests that examine the person's stool for signs of blood. When such bleeding occurs it will not readily show up during a bowel movement. One sign that a loss of blood is having an adverse affect, even when it does not make its presence clearly evident, is anemia. The loss of a high volume of red blood cells will eventually result in the person becoming easily fatigued, with this tiredness lingering on. If an individual with anemia is fortunate and goes to a doctor for tests the stomach cancer may be discovered in time for it to be treated successfully.
Stomach discomfort
As stomach cancer grows the symptoms will become more pronounced but even then they can be easily mistaken for ulcers or other less serious stomach problems. One that might give the cancer away is when there is discomfort in the upper abdomen or in the middle of the abdomen. In early stomach cancer this pain can be relieved by simply eating or by taking medications such as antacids. In the later stages of the disease these "remedies" will have no effect on the pain. If someone experiencing such abdominal pain goes in for a check-up the stomach cancer may be discovered if the proper tests are conducted.
Diagnosing stomach cancer
If a problem more serious than indigestion or acid reflux is suspected then an upper endoscopy may be ordered. This is how most stomach cancer is diagnosed. A physician employs a long narrow tube with a lighted end called an endoscope, which is sent down the patient's throat and into the stomach. A tiny camera will send back images of the lining of the stomach as well as the esophagus and portions of the small intestine. Any abnormalities will be noted and tissue samples can be gathered for closer examination to determine if they are cancerous. Other imaging tests that can detect stomach cancer include MRIs, CT scans, PET scans and other forms of X-rays that focus on the upper gastrointestinal region.
Advanced Symptoms
Since stomach cancer often will cause no early symptoms this means that many times only until the disease has become more advanced will signs begin to manifest themselves that there is a serious problem. Stools that look black and tarry are a sign of stomach cancer when it has become advanced, as is a tendency to vomit after eating a meal. Weight loss that occurs despite a normal appetite, throwing up blood, being constantly tired and feeling full despite not eating all that much can also be indicators of stomach cancer.