What a baby feels like inside my stomach?
1. Fluttering or Bubbling: In the early stages of pregnancy, around 16-24 weeks, a pregnant person might experience a fluttering sensation or a bubbling feeling in the lower abdomen. This sensation can be described as a slight movement, a whooshing sound, or the sensation of a fish swimming.
2. Quickening: As the pregnancy progresses and the baby grows larger, the mother may start feeling distinct movements, often referred to as "quickening." These movements can include kicking, stretching, rolling, and turning inside the womb.
3. Rolling or Bumping: As the baby gets bigger and stronger, the mother may feel larger movements that can be described as rolling or bumping sensations in the belly. These movements become more frequent and noticeable as the pregnancy advances.
4. Pressure on the Bladder and Bowels: The growing uterus can press on the mother's bladder and bowels, leading to an increased urge to urinate and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. This sensation is particularly common in the third trimester.
5. Lightening: Towards the end of pregnancy, when the baby's head begins to descend lower into the pelvis in preparation for birth, a woman may experience a feeling of "lightening." This is characterized by a reduction in pressure on the stomach and lungs and a sense of decreased abdominal size.
6. Braxton Hicks Contractions: Throughout the pregnancy, women may experience occasional uterine contractions known as Braxton Hicks contractions. These practice contractions feel like tightening and relaxing sensations in the uterus. They vary in intensity and frequency and generally don't cause discomfort.
It's important to note that every pregnancy experience is unique, and women may perceive these sensations differently.
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