Testicular Cancers: How They Spread
Lymphatic spread
The lymphatic system is a network of vessels and nodes that helps to drain fluid from tissues and organs. Testicular cancers can spread to nearby lymph nodes through the lymphatic system. The most common lymph nodes that testicular cancers spread to are the inguinal lymph nodes, which are located in the groin area.
Bloodstream spread
Testicular cancers can also spread through the bloodstream to other organs in the body, including the lungs, liver, and brain. This is called hematogenous spread. Hematogenous spread is more common in advanced stages of testicular cancer.
Factors that affect the spread of testicular cancer
The following factors can affect the spread of testicular cancer:
* The type of testicular cancer
* The stage of testicular cancer
* The patient's age
* The patient's overall health
Preventing the spread of testicular cancer
There is no sure way to prevent the spread of testicular cancer. However, early diagnosis and treatment can help to reduce the risk of spread. Regular testicular self-exams and prompt medical attention for any changes in the testicles are important for early detection of testicular cancer.