How to Teach A PAtient About Side Effects of Bilateral Orchiectomy
Testicular cancer is a disease that may prompt a surgeon to perform a bilateral orchiectomy on a patient. This type of surgery involves the removal of both testicles in a man. Certain after effects occur once this surgery is over and nurses can prepare patients for them through nursing interventions.Instructions
Teach your patients about changes that will occur after bilateral orchiectomy surgery. Do this so he knows what to expect and increase the chances that he will adhere to his treatment regimen. Changes your client may see include breast enlargment, breast tenderness, reduced libido and impotence.
Teach your patient that he may also experience osteoporosis or thin and brittle bone, weight gain and loss of muscle mass.
Inform your patient that he will be able to have and maintain an erection and experience an orgasm but that he will not be able to ejaculate. The nurse does this to assure the patient about his ability to have sex.
Teach your patient that he may experience some pain after his orchiectomy surgery. Assure him that medication will be available to reduce the pain.