Will a hair follicle test show meht use?
When someone uses meth, the drug enters the bloodstream and is distributed throughout the body, including the hair follicles. As hair grows, it incorporates meth and its metabolites into its structure, creating a permanent record of drug use. This means that even if someone stops using meth, the drug can still be detected in their hair for a period of time.
The length of the hair sample collected will determine the detection window for meth use. For example, a 1.5-inch hair sample can provide a history of meth use for approximately 90 days, while a 3-inch hair sample can extend the detection window to about 180 days.
Hair follicle testing is often used in various settings, including workplace drug testing, addiction treatment programs, legal proceedings, and child custody cases, to determine if an individual has used meth within a specific time frame. It is important to note that the detection window for meth in hair can vary based on factors such as hair growth rate, hair care practices, and individual metabolism.