Why is there a white spot in your throat?
- Tonsillitis**: A bacterial or viral infection of the tonsils, which causes inflammation and swelling
- Strep throat: A bacterial infection of the throat, which causes inflammation and pain. Strep throat can also cause a white or yellow coating on the tonsils
- Oral thrush: A fungal infection of the mouth and throat, which can cause white patches on the tongue, throat, and inside of the cheeks. Oral thrush is common in people with weakened immune systems
- Leukoplakia: A condition that causes white patches to develop on the tongue, gums, and inside of the cheeks. Leukoplakia is usually not cancerous, but it can sometimes develop into cancer
- Cancer: In rare cases, a white spot in the throat can be a sign of cancer, such as throat cancer or mouth cancer. Throat cancer and mouth cancer are more common in people who smoke or drink alcohol heavily
- Other causes: Other possible causes of a white spot on the throat include allergies, smoking, certain medications, and trauma**