Possible Symptoms of Throat Cancer
Throat cancer is a the creation of an overabundance of cancerous cells in the throat. The American Cancer Society estimates that nearly 24,000 people a year are diagnosed with some form of throat cancer. Of those who are diagnosed, 50% will have the cancer form on the inside lining of the throat and 50% will have the cancer form directly on the voice box located at the base of the throat.
Throat cancer can create many symptoms, but some of those symptoms could be the indication of another condition. Symptoms such as a persistent sore throat or a hoarseness to the voice that remains for several weeks could be the signs of throat cancer, but they could also be the signs of a series of throat infections. Other common throat symptoms such as a difficulty swallowing or a stiffness in the neck could also be read as signs of several conditions including throat cancer.
As throat cancer advances it can create new kinds of symptoms. There may be an unexplained weight loss that could be due to the inability to swallow, or the throat irritation makes it painful to swallow and that causes a loss of appetite. Some of the more advanced symptoms of throat cancer include a persistent cough that could develop into a chronic cough that leads to coughing up blood. While there are all potential symptoms of other conditions, they should be reported to a doctor immediately.
Throat cancer can cause a series of complications that may help a doctor better diagnose the condition. As the condition advances it could prevent the person from being able to speak completely, swallowing may be nearly impossible, breathing may be impaired and there could even be physical and noticeable changes to the face. The skin on the surface of the neck may start to get hard as well. There may also start to be symptoms of other forms of cancer as the cancerous cells spread from the neck to other parts of the body.
Treatment for throat cancer could be done with chemotherapy medication, radiation treatment, surgery or some combination of the three. Surgery could range from a partial to complete removal of the voice box, to removing the parts of the throat lining that are infected with the cancerous cells.