What Are the Causes of Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer?
DNA Mutations
The American Cancer Society states that DNA mutations are thought to have an influence on your susceptibility to thyroid cancer. Approximately 10 to 30 percent of thyroid cancer patients show changed in their PTC oncogene.
P53 Gene
Anaplastic thyroid cancer patients usually have mutated p53 tumor suppressor genes, according to the American Cancer Society.
Common symptoms of anaplastic thyroid cancer include difficulty swallowing, excessive coughing with blood, voice changes, heavy breathing, and a visibly enlarged thyroid .
Anaplastic thyroid cancer is most common amongst people 60 years and older, according to Mayo Clinic.
According to Medline Plus, anaplastic thyroid cancer develops rapidly, despite the fact that thyroid tests usually appear to be normal.
Since anaplastic thyroid cancer can grow quickly while undetected, the prognosis is bleak. However, according to Medline Plus, anaplastic thyroid cancer is very rare, accounting for only one percent of all types of thyroid cancers.