Transient Thyroid Tumor Symptoms
One of the most predominant symptoms of transient thyroid tumor will involve the development of a lump on your neck. In the earlier stages, you won't even be able to feel is presence. But as the tumor grows and develops, you should be able to actually feel this lump directly under the skin near the Adam's apple, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Sometime, this lump will also come with a certain level of pain and discomfort. Much like the lump itself, this pain and discomfort will not manifest until much later in the progression of the tumor. Pain and discomfort associated with a transient thyroid tumor will generally be isolated to the neck and the throat.
Many times, a transient thyroid tumor will begin to affect the lymph nodes in your neck. As the presence of the tumor develops, the lymph nodes may begin to inflame and swell. Usually, you wouldn't necessarily notice any inflammation unless you were to touch and feel the area of the neck, but there are occasions that this inflammation can be seen with the naked eye.
Vocal Changes
Another symptom of a transient thyroid tumor would involve some change within your voice. This is largely due to the location of the tumor. As the tumor grows and develops, you may begin to experience increased episodes of hoarseness, throatiness or roughness to the texture of your voice. It may even change the overall pitch or sound of your voice.
Swallowing Issues
Along with the formation of the lump and the presence of the pain, you may begin to experience some difficulties surrounding your swallowing. This may come about during meals, the consumption of beverages or simply while swallowing your saliva.
Breathing Issues
Due to the location of the tumor, it may actually begin to restrict or block the passage of the airways, essentially affecting the way in which you breathe. You may begin to notice a difficulty in taking a breath, catching your breath or breathing in general. With this reduced capacity to breathe, you could become lightheaded, dizzy or experience some fatigue as a result of a lack of oxygen.