Add Inattentiveness Treatment
Stimulant Medication
According to the Mayo Clinic, stimulant drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall and Dexedrine help to balance neurotransmitter levels in the brain and improve inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.
Non-stimulant Medication
A non-stimulant drug called atomoxetine may be prescribed in cases where stimulant drugs are not effective.
Other Medications
ADHD that is combined with a mood disorder may be treated with antidepressants. High blood pressure drugs such as clonidine or guanfacine may reduce insomnia or aggression in ADHD patients.
ADHD may be treated with psychotherapy sessions where patients talk about the effects of the disorder. Behavior therapy can be used to develop strategies to change behaviors that are caused by ADHD.
ADHD patients may have difficulty paying attention in school, they may not listen well to parents or teachers and may be disorganized, forgetful and easily distracted. Hyperactivity in ADHD patients can include impatience, fidgeting and excessive talking.