Symptoms & Characteristics of ADHD
ADHD can be traced back to as far as 1902, when Sir George F. Still noticed children who were hyperactive, impulsive and inattentive, according to During the late 1950s the disorder was called hyperkinetic disorder, and in the 1980s the name was changed to attention deficit disorder.
Common symptoms of ADHD include not being able to pay attention, acting impulsively, squirming and fidgeting, interrupting, constantly talking, being disruptive and hyperactivity.
Children and adults with ADHD face many challenges that come with the disorder. Emotional, social, academic and job problems can result from not properly treating ADHD. According to, it may be hard for some people with attention disorders to make friends and function normally in social situations.
Treatment for ADHD usually involves a combination of medication, behavior modification, counseling and diet. Alternative therapies may include nutritional supplements, meditation and even martial arts or other structured activities, according to
People with attention disorders also tend to be very intelligent, have high energy and are very creative. Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein are both thought to have had ADHD. Figuring out how to channel the excess energy and maintain focus in a positive way is helpful in utilizing the characteristics of ADHD.