What is the Best Natural Remedy for ADD?
Some doctors believe that certain additives and food varieties cause behavioral issues in children such as those exhibited by sufferers of ADD. This could be caused by the presence of allergens in these foods that affect chemical balances in the brain. Dietary controls such as cutting out chocolate, color additives, milk, eggs and wheat have sometimes improved behavior issues. The Feingold Diet, an additive-free diet, is a popular ADD alternative remedy. These diets require strict supervision as they are only effective if they are adhered to constantly.
Herbal Remedies
Several herbs have been shown to improve concentration and behavior in children and adults suffering from ADD. GotuKola and Ashwaganda are two Indian herbs known to improve concentration as well as reduce anxiety. Hyoscyamus is used to help hyperactivity as well as alleviate some of the muscular tics associated with ADD. These can be found as supplement pills or as powders that can be diluted in water or juice.
Nutrients are also gaining popularity as a way to naturally treat ADD symptoms. Tyrosine and Ievodopa are nutrients that are synthesized, or changed, in the body into dopamine, a natural relaxer. These nutrients can be found at health food stores but should be used under the supervision of a doctor in the case of ADD. Overuse of Tyrosine and Ievodopa can cause a decrease in serotonin levels, leading to depression.