Tests for ADD Children
Does Your Child Have ADD?
If you are concerned about your child and the possibility that he may have ADD, you'll want to have a mental health professional do an evaluation. Symptoms of ADD include hyperactivity and concentration problems, but because these symptoms are often confused with other disorders and may even be symptoms of them, it's important to get a thorough assessment of your child.
Testing for ADD
Testing a child for ADD should always be done by a trained mental health professional. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an evaluation that includes a thorough review of family and medical history, a straightforward physical and neurological exam and an in-depth interview with the parents or caregivers, the child and any teachers or community support models.
If you would like to have your child tested for ADD, start with your child's family physician. Your doctor knows him best, and may be able to recommend specific mental health professionals and centers that can provide evaluations and treatment.
If you live in the United States, you can contact your state's Early Intervention Program (see Resources). Every state has one, and while the names, service options and eligibility requirements may vary from state to state, all of the programs are overseen on a national level and provide the same level of service to children with special needs.
The Early Intervention Program provides its services for free, though your child's insurance information may be requested.
Diagnosing and Treating ADD
Because there is no cut-and-dry imaging or laboratory tests that can detect ADD in a child, it's important to follow through with a comprehensive evaluation. Once your child is evaluated, and a diagnosis has been made, the immediate course of action is to come up with a treatment plan. With the aid of mental health professionals, therapists and a consistent routine and diet, the effects of ADD can be kept in check.
Medication is also available to treat children with ADD, but most mental health professionals prefer to try behavioral modification and other strategies first.
Is There a Cure?
There is currently no cure for ADD. But there is an amazing array of services available to help a child with ADD. These services reach out to provide support in the home, the community and the school. A combination of therapy, strategies, coping skills and support for the parents and caregivers can successfully manage a child with ADD.
Support for the Family
An ADD child can be exhausting and overwhelming for parents or caregivers, as well as siblings and other close family members. A treatment plan should be put into action for the child, but support should be provided to the family as well. There are counseling options in place for families who need to speak with someone who can provide compassion and support.