Common Symptoms of ADD in Girls
Girls with ADD have trouble paying attention and often daydream or look out classroom windows. They may also do other things when they should be paying attention such as twirling their hair, picking at their cuticles or biting their nails.
Girls with ADD may speak very quickly and may talk nonstop. They might also act silly at times. Some may appear to be conceited or be preoccupied with boys. Alternatively, some may be very shy. Girls with ADD tend to be unorganized and messy.
Emotional symptoms
Girls with ADD can be depressed or anxious. Sometimes they become anxious as a result of trying to pay attention. Girls with ADD may also be overly self-critical. Also, some may throw tantrums or be especially hard to please.
According to a study conducted by University of California, girls who have ADD are more likely to have problems with schoolwork. Also, they are more likely to have relationship problems, eating disorders and emotional problems, and use illegal drugs.
ADD is usually treated with a combination of counseling and medications. Medications for ADD include stimulants such as Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, Adderall and Dexedrine. Also, the non-stimulant drug Strattera is used to treat ADD. Girls who also have depression or anxiety may benefit from taking an antidepressant medication instead of a medication specifically for ADD.