Herbs That Help ADD
Around 70 to 90 percent of children treated for Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder will see positive results, says ADD author Chris Dendy. But medications come with side effects such as nervousness, dizziness, headaches and insomnia. For that reason, many people are looking to natural alternative methods to treat their ADD. Herbs can be an effective treatment, but take care: too many herbs or the wrong mixture can be harmful, so check with a doctor or pharmacist before starting an herb regimen.-
Mental Focus
Herbs such as lemon balm, lecithin, American ginseng and choline all help to improve alertness and memory. Lemon balm and American ginseng can be grown and harvested. Any of these herbs can be purchased in supplement form at natural food stores.
Consume herbs that calm the nervous system and prevent anxious symptoms that deter progress toward combatting ADD. Herbs such as German chamomile, Rhodiola rosea (goldenroot), Radix heraclei, Pycnogenol, Avina sativa and Cimicifugas racemosa all contain properties that help calm anxiety, nervousness or restlessness. Look for these herbs in supplement form at natural food stores.
Depression is one of ADD's most challenging side effects. Herbs such as St. John's Wort, passionflower and Gotu kola promote balance in the brain and nervous system, which can help stimulate the proper release of neurotransmitters to alleviate depression. Mineral salts also help.