What to Know About Seasonal


Seasonal means lasting or happening at a particular time of the year or according to the season of the year.

Examples of seasonal:

* Seasonal produce, such as fruits and vegetables that are only available during certain times of the year

* Seasonal weather patterns, such as the rainy season or winter storms

* Seasonal allergies, such as those caused by specific pollens or molds that occur during certain times of the year

Here are some additional examples of seasonal in a sentence:

* The farmer's market is filled with seasonal produce, including fresh strawberries and corn.

* The weather forecast predicts that we'll have a seasonal storm this weekend.

* I have seasonal allergies, and I start sneezing and my eyes water every spring when the pollen count is high.

Seasonal is a versatile adjective that can be used to describe a wide range of things that occur or change with the seasons.

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