What are two ways you can fabricate a custom provisional what specific areas of the most critical for fit when trimming?
Two ways to fabricate a custom provisional restoration are:
Direct fabrication chairside:
- This method involves creating the provisional directly in the patient's mouth using materials such as composite resin or temporary crown and bridge material.
Indirect fabrication in the laboratory:
- This method involves taking an impression of the prepared teeth and creating the provisional restoration in a dental laboratory.
When trimming a custom provisional restoration for an optimal fit. the most critical areas to focus on are:
1. Proximal contacts:
- Ensure that the contacts with adjacent teeth are accurate and not too tight or too loose.
2. Occlusal contacts:
- Trim the provisional restoration should allow proper occlusion with opposing teeth, especially in centric occlusion and during excursive movements.
3. Marginal adaptation:
-Ensure that the margins of the provisional restoration fit seamlessly with the prepared tooth contours to prevents any food impaction or gingival irritation.
4. Embrasure spaces:
- The embrasures between the custom provisional and adjacent teeth should be appropriate to allows for interproximal cleaning.
5. Overall contour:
- The shape and contour of the provisional restoration should mimic the natural anatomy of the tooth, and its surface texture should resemble that of a natural tooth.