When being induced and waters are broken What is the next stage?

Second stage of labour: Once your waters have broken, the contractions will usually become stronger and more regular. This is the second stage of labour. It can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. The baby's head will gradually descend down the birth canal and put pressure on the cervix, causing it to dilate further. Eventually, the baby's head will be fully dilated and will be born.

What to expect during the second stage of labour:

* Increased intensity and frequency of contractions

* Feeling of pressure or bearing down

* Increased urge to push

* Tearing or stinging sensation as the baby's head stretches the perineum

* Burning sensation as the baby's head crowns

* Delivery of the baby's head, followed by the shoulders and body

Tips for coping with the second stage of labour:

* Use relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualisation, to help you relax and manage the pain.

* Listen to your body and push when you feel the urge.

* Stay in a comfortable position that allows you to move and work with the contractions.

* Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.

* Eat small, light snacks to keep your energy up.

* Ask for support from your birth partner or healthcare provider if you need it.

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