When being induced and waters are broken What is the next stage?
What to expect during the second stage of labour:
* Increased intensity and frequency of contractions
* Feeling of pressure or bearing down
* Increased urge to push
* Tearing or stinging sensation as the baby's head stretches the perineum
* Burning sensation as the baby's head crowns
* Delivery of the baby's head, followed by the shoulders and body
Tips for coping with the second stage of labour:
* Use relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualisation, to help you relax and manage the pain.
* Listen to your body and push when you feel the urge.
* Stay in a comfortable position that allows you to move and work with the contractions.
* Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
* Eat small, light snacks to keep your energy up.
* Ask for support from your birth partner or healthcare provider if you need it.