What classes in AQW can heal?

Pure Healers:

* Lightcaster: A priest-like class that utilizes holy magic to heal and support allies.

* Necromancer: A dark magic-based class that can heal allies by draining life force from enemies.

Hybrid Healers:

* BattleMage: A magical warrior that combines melee and ranged attacks with healing abilities.

* Chaorruptor: A chaos-themed class that can both damage enemies and heal allies with its abilities.

* Draconic: A class based around dragons, with abilities that focus on damage and healing.

Support Classes with Healing Abilities:

* Paladin: A holy warrior that can provide some healing in addition to its tanking and damage-dealing capabilities.

* Vampire Lord: A vampiric class that can drain life from enemies and use it to heal itself or its allies.

* Enchanted Shaman: A nature-based class that can heal and support allies with its abilities.

* Chrono Assassin: A time-manipulating rogue class that can undo damage and grant a form of healing to their party.

* VoidHighlord: A spellcaster class that uses void energy to heal itself and its party while dealing damage to enemies.

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