Tips to Increase Your Attention Span
Paint or Draw
Buy small squares of paper at the crafts store, along with paint brushes and paint in fun colors. When creating miniature paintings, you can complete each one in a relatively short period of time, allowing for variation during a single activity. You don't have to be Picasso to have fun and let your creativity loose. If you don't like painting, try drawing. Even if you can only make stick figures, engaging in a creative activity that requires extended periods of focus can help increase your attention span, according to Arkansas Tech University.
Piece Together a Puzzle
Piece together a puzzle. While furrowing your brow in concentration and trying to figure out where that five-sided piece fits into the overall puzzle, your attention span can grow. If you get impatient after a few minutes, take a coupe of deep breaths and start again. Your attention span will improve only if you push your limit.
Researchers at the University of California, Davis discovered that Buddhist-style meditation can increase a person's attention span. To meditate, sit on the floor in a comfortable position and concentrate on your breath. If you find that position uncomfortable, try sitting in a chair or lying on your back. If you wish, play relaxing music to help you focus.
Reduce the stress in your life by meditating, exercising or learning how to delegate responsibility. According to stress expert David Fontana, stress can decrease your attention span. Causes of stress can include perfectionism, conflicts with co-workers or family members, and trouble at work. Reducing stress can help you concentrate. Seek professional help if necessary.