ADHD Inattentiveness Treatment
A simple addition of supplements like omega-3, L-tyrosine and a daily multivitamin can greatly improve the mind's chemistry over time. In addition, adding 30 to 45 minutes of intense aerobics increases serotonin levels and boosts blood flow to the brain.
Don't Over-stimulate
Television and video games can over-stimulate an ADD brain, often leaving the patient agitated after the activity ends. Limit the time spent on these activities.
It is vital for the ADHD brain to establish a written routine for their day. Schedule everything from sleep to play time, and be dedicated to following it.
Find a therapist who specializes in the treatment of ADHD, and work with him to resolve the negativity you have come to expect from a world that doesn't understand your differences.
Find an Accomplice
It is important, when treating a disorder that often impacts social interaction, to reach out and find someone you can trust to take this journey with you. Learn about ADD together and be honest with each other about the process.