Example of topic Deduction in methods paragraph development?
_"The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of social media on mental health. Social media has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, and its effects on psychological well-being have been a topic of growing interest. However, the existing research has produced mixed findings, with some studies suggesting positive effects, others negative effects, and still others finding no significant impact. To better understand the relationship between social media and mental health, this study will examine three specific aspects:_
1. _The effects of social media on self-esteem._
2. _The effects of social media on social comparison._
3. _The effects of social media on loneliness and social isolation._
_By focusing on these specific subtopics, this study aims to contribute to the existing research and provide a more nuanced understanding of the complex relationship between social media and mental health._"
In this example, the broad research topic of "social media's impact on mental health" is broken down into three specific subtopics: self-esteem, social comparison, and loneliness and social isolation. Each of these subtopics represents a specific aspect of the overall topic and will be investigated in depth in the study. This approach allows the researcher to conduct a more focused and manageable study while still addressing the broader research question effectively.