How to Treat Children With ADD Without Medicine
Set specific goals with children. Be sure the child stays focused and on task for 15-minute intervals. Give a five minute break in between intervals until the task is completed. Younger children can be given set times to share toys among peers. This can help the child learn to control sudden urges that may be common in children who have ADD.
Follow through on rewards and consequences with children who suffer from ADD. If the child focuses on an assignment for the allotted time, reward with a favorite snack or extra playtime. If the child does not focus as instructed, follow through with an unwanted consequence, such as not allowing the child to watch television or play video games. Be consistent.
Study more effectively with the child. Some children can be treated for ADD by redesigning studying skills without the need for medication. For instance, use flashcards consistently to help maintain memory. Study days head of a quiz or test, instead of studying only the night before. Taking thorough notes may help the child learn with less confusion.
Organize the child's book bag and desk. If the child is in elementary school, ask the teacher to help organize the child's desk appropriately. This may help the child find objects quickly and with less difficulty. Older children can organize binders and notebooks with dividers that may help them find notes and assignments promptly.
Explore social behavior to treat ADD without using medication. Most children that live with ADD experience social discomfort among peers and are uncertain on how to interact with others. Encourage communication between the child, family members and friends. Perform role-playing scenarios to see how the child responds to certain situations.
Monitor the child's diet. Changing a child's diet may help way to treat ADD. Take note of the child's energy level, and the way the child responds to attention and detail after eating. Perhaps caffeine and sugar need to be eliminated and more fruits and vegetables added to the diet.