ADD Signs in Adults
Inattention is one of the most common signs of ADD in adults and often the most troublesome. Many people with ADD find it difficult to focus on one thing at a time, as even the smallest noise or movement can be distracting. Repetitive, internal thoughts can also lead to distraction and inattention. As a result, an adult with ADD can have problems finishing tasks and staying motivated.
Although adult ADD can exist without hyperactivity, this symptom is one of the more obvious signs of the disorder. A hyperactive person is restless, constantly multitasking and may find it difficult to stand still for more than a few moments. Hyperactive adults can also appear to be very motivated and yet lack the ability to focus due to ADD.
Adults with ADD are sometimes very impulsive with both words and actions. Impulsivity can cause an adult to blurt out words at inappropriate times, even interrupting other speakers. This symptom of ADD also makes it difficult to be patient with others. Acting rashly without concern for long-term results can lead to problems for adults with ADD.
Coping with one or more of the already stated ADD symptoms can lead to moodiness, particularly for an adult who has gone untreated for many years. Because ADD is often a misunderstood condition that leads to personal and professional challenges, mood swings can easily develop. Adults with ADD will sometimes feel frustrated or demoralized, which can cause emotional problems and low self-esteem.
Although the term "adult ADD" is commonly used, it is important to remember that ADD first manifests in childhood. Some people suffer from the condition for years until it is properly diagnosed. Identifying the signs is a good place to start; however, licensed professional should make a positive diagnosis of adult ADD. A general practitioner, psychologist or psychiatrist should be consulted if adult ADD is suspected.