How to Treat ADD Naturally with Diets and Supplements
Get yourself or your child a complete physical. This will help you understand what is causing some of the hyperactivity. Talk to your doctor about possible diet changes or lifestyle changes that will allow you to manage your hyperactivity in a constructive manner.
Limit all refined sugars and processed foods. Natural forms of foods are easier for the body to assimilate. Foods that are processed are devoid of most nutrients and are often loaded with chemical preservatives. These preservatives can hamper the way the brain functions.
Include cold water fish in the diet. Salmon and tuna are excellent choices because they have high amounts of essential fatty acids that are vital for optimum brain function.
Liquid valerian extract has been proven to allow the brain to slow down and function more effectively. Used with Ginko biloba (memory enhancer) and ginseng, it has shown proven results with few to no side effects.
Allow children to work and play at their own speed. Many times ADD is often confused with boredom. Children are forced to follow a strictly structured educational program, when what they really need is to be allowed to learn at their own pace. Simple changes to the structure that will allow movement and more hands on learning will provide excellent results.
Add fresh fruits and vegetables to the diets. Avoid dried fruits. They are high in sugar and will only trigger a hyperactive episode.
Avoid sodas. Most have caffeine and if they are carbonated contain phosphorus. Both should be avoided at all costs.