How to Help a Child With ADD Study
Ask your child's teacher to check that your child has written down all homework assignments before leaving the class for the day. The teacher can sign the planner or assignment book so you know she's seen what your child wrote.
Work collaboratively with your child to set up a schedule that he can follow after school. Break the time up such that you are alternating work time with relax time. Place the schedule in a well trafficked place in your home. Consider laminating the schedule so your child can check off each block of time as she moves through the schedule.
Allow your child to create a fun personal study area. Keep it free of sounds from the TV, radio and other distractions. Make sure the area has numerous study materials such as highlighters, post-it notes, pens, pencils and anything that makes studying more interesting. The area should be someplace where you can supervise your child while he works.
Follow a routine in your day-to-day activities. Children with ADD thrive on routine. If you have an established routine all day, it will make the routine of studying easier for your child. Eventually, the routine becomes a habit.
Help your child study by mixing up study strategies. Ask your child to read a paragraph aloud and then question your child about the details. Allow your child to create fun flash cards that you can use together to study. Attach the cards together with a ring so your child can bring them anywhere to study. Create songs with your child that cover pertinent study material.
Establish a regular bedtime. Children who go to sleep at the same time each night have fewer night wakings and sleep more soundly.
Enforce your schedule and reward your child when she follows the schedule and completes all assignments in her assignment book. Use a point sheet to track your child's progress throughout the week.