How to Treat ADD with Homeopathy
Things You'll Need
- Homeopathic doctor
Treat ADD with Homeopathy
Start by changing your child's diet and exercise routine. Diet and exercise can have a profound effect on the severity of your child's ADD symptoms. Diet in particular can affect the chemical levels in your child's brain, making it more or less likely that she will struggle against ADD symptoms.
Consider giving your child Rhus toxicodendron whenever he is dealing with acute mental restlessness. Rhus toxicodendron can help calm your children and return them to a more manageable state.
Give your child Chamomile tea or herbs to help calm her, especially as nighttime approaches. Chamomile can help sooth restless sleeping and quiet the mind so that your child can actually fall asleep.
Treat more severe cases of impulsiveness with Argentum nitricum. Argentum nitricum is believed to help slow down the mind enough to give a child a chance to think his actions through more thoroughly without simply doing what his impulse tells him.
Speak to a homeopath about natural remedies and herbs that can be taken in combination to battle the symptoms of ADD. A homeopath will be able to sit down with your child and come up with a selection of treatments that could be a perfect fit.
Institute simple changes in the way in which you parent your child. One of the best things you can do is remain patient while you treat your child's ADD. Always be sure to praise her when she succeeds at tasks, and offer gentle and patient encouragement when she is struggling.