Homeopathic Treatments for ADHD
Does Homeopathy Work for ADHD?
Several clinical studies have measured the effectiveness of homeopathic treatments in treating ADHD. One study, published in the journal European Journal of Pediatrics in 2005, looked at 83 children between the ages of 6 and 16 who were diagnosed with ADHD. The children first underwent a period during which various homeopathic remedies were used to determine the appropriate remedy for each individual. Of those children, 62 had an improvement of 50 percent or more, and went on to the next phase of the study. Those children were divided into two groups; one received their homeopathic treatment for six weeks then a placebo, while the other received a placebo for the first six weeks then their homeopathic treatment. The researchers concluded that homeopathic treatment was beneficial for ADHD, especially in terms of cognitive and behavioral functions. In a 2007 study published in the journal Homeopathy, researchers emphasized the necessity of determining the correct treatment for each individual, especially when investigating the effectiveness of homeopathic treatment for ADHD. This is in keeping with one of the basic principles of homeopathy that each individual must be treated as a whole person, taking into consideration the physical, emotional, mental and behavioral aspects of an individual.
Individual Remedies
Dr. Lewis Mehl-Medrona lists 47 different homeopathic remedies which might be appropriate in treating ADHD (see References). Obviously a condition as complex as ADHD requires the input of a trained homeopathic practitioner. The amount of trial and error that would be required by an untrained practitioner to find the correct treatment remedy would be burdensome. Even a trained homeopath will likely require some trial and error to find the correct remedy for such a complex disorder. If you wish to try a remedy on your own while you are awaiting an appointment with a trained homeopath, consider Chamomilla. This is a remedy commonly used with children to help them when they are upset, ill tempered, inconsolable and want to be held all the time. Restless children who must be constantly moving may benefit from Kali bromatum. Do not discontinue any prescription medications except on your doctor's orders; some medications cause serious side-effects if stopped suddenly. Your best results will come from a partnership between you, your physician and your homeopath.
Combination Remedies
In addition to individual remedies, there are some commercial combination products for treating ADHD. Attend by Vaxa, advertised as providing nervous system support, is one product. When you are using a combination remedy it is hard to determine which component is providing results, or if it is the synergistic effect of the remedies working together. These treatments still play a useful role for individuals who want to try homeopathic treatments but do not have access to a trained homeopath.