Assessment Strategies for ADHD
Rating scales and checklists
Clinicians give parents and teachers a rating scale or checklist to keep track of the occurrence, frequency and impact of ADHD-type behaviors. Clinicians then use the data to help diagnose or dismiss a diagnosis of ADHD. Two popular rating scales include the Vanderbilt Scale and the Conner's Scale. In addition to a diagnosis of ADHD, these scales help determine the ADHD subtype: predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive/impulsive or combined inattentive/hyper. Clinicians also use this information to help develop a treatment plan for the child with ADHD.
Experts recommend that doctors interview the parents and teacher(s) of the child suspected to have ADHD, according to the Journal of Clinical and Child Adolescent Psychology. Interviews are a good supplement to the rating scales because they provide the clinician with the details and nuance often lost in a checklist. Doctors may also find it helpful to look over a sample of the child's schoolwork. Questions regarding the child's approach or reaction to school assignments, household chores and other tasks may also be relevant.
Sometimes, clinicians will have an independent observer evaluate the behavior of a child suspected to have ADHD. The observer takes note of behaviors such as time on-task, disruptiveness and talking out of turn. These observations can be done in an artificial (clinical) setting or in natural setting (classroom, playground, home). The information from a disinterested observer may provide further clues on the child's condition or may provide further insight on how to best help the child.
DSM-IV Criteria
Clinicians use data collected from a variety of sources, including parents, teachers, interviews and observations, to determine if a child meets the criteria for ADHD as outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition or DSM-IV. In addition to meeting the DSM-IV criteria, the child must exhibit the symptoms in more than one setting; he must, for example, exhibit symptoms at school and at home, not just at school. The symptoms must also significantly impair the child's social or academic performance, and they must occur to a greater degree than observed in other children of the same age. What counts as ADHD behavior in a 9 year old, for example, may be perfectly normal for a 4 year old.