Can Chelation Help ADHD in Children?
Traditional and Alternative Remedies
If your child has trouble behaving in school, you may decide to have him tested for attention deficit. Your child's physician may prescribe one of several brands of drugs designed to alter your child's behavior and keep them from being easily distracted and overactive. Unfortunately the drugs are simply amphetamines (speed), and one brand is actually methamphetamine (meth). Many people are alarmed by the thought of giving their children addictive controlled substances, so they search for other remedies.
You might prefer behavioral modification treatment. According to Dr. Lawrence Weathers, Ph.D., who has made a study of children considered as having ADHD, this condition is not technically a disease or disorder. He has requested information from the National Institutes for Mental Health and other national agencies showing the actual physical abnormality that causes the behavior, but they have failed to give it to him. He states that since there is no evidence of this being a disease, it should not be treated with drugs.
Some naturopathic doctors believe that ADHD, ADD and autism are manifestations of nerve damage caused by high levels of certain metals in the body. Studies have shown that many children diagnosed with these conditions do tend to have higher than normal levels of lead, mercury, cadmium and/or arsenic. You may choose to use a method of metal removal called chelation. This remedy is used for people who have lead poisoning, and it helps to support the liver in removing the heavy metals.
Oral Chelation
Not all cases diagnosed as ADHD will improve with this treatment, but you can read some testimonials online to see if you think it is right for your child. Many natural supplement companies offer chelation products and kits. Look for ingredients like fucus and chlorella (types of sea vegetation), selenium, the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E and several amino acids (precursors to protein). Some products also contain Bentonite or French green clay. These clays work because toxins and metals attach to the surface and absorb into the clay as it passes through the intestine. Chelation can also be done under a physician's supervision with intravenous medicines that work through the blood stream. Before changing treatment for your child, especially if they are currently on ADHD medications, speak with your doctor. Suddenly stopping these drugs may cause severe withdrawal symptoms similar to stopping the illegal forms of these drugs.