Over the Counter ADHD Treatment
A lack of magnesium can cause symptoms related to ADHD, such as irritability. This has been suggested as a cause for some cases of ADHD in children.
High doses of zinc can be dangerous, and it may only improve behavior minimally, but zinc deficiencies have been linked to behavior problems, as this mineral helps control some brain chemicals.
Fatty Acids
Omega fatty acids are found in fish oil supplements. These acids work by making the paths that neurotransmitters travel on more accessible to these chemicals.
Vitamin B
Certain neurotransmitters are affected by the level of vitamin B in the body. An insufficient amount of vitamin B6, for example, could hinder the function of serotonin, and this might produce behavior problems.
Melatonin is a supplement typically used as a sleeping aid; however, it is sometimes recommended as a component of treatment for attention deficit disorder. Its effectiveness in children is uncertain, however.