Weight Gain Products for People With ADHD
Stimulant drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall and Concerta have long been used to treat ADHD. They work by regulating the level of neurotransmitters in the brain and easing impulse, hyperactivity and inattention. Stimulants often create a feeling of being full while simultaneously boosting the metabolism and burning more calories, therefore resulting in weight loss. Currently, stimulants are the most common form of medication for the treatment of ADHD.
Identifying whether weight loss with ADHD is due to medication or another source can sometimes be difficult. It is important to monitor weight before and after beginning a new medication to spot drastic changes. While weight loss with ADHD is a common side effect, more than a 10 percent loss in a few weeks can be a health hazard. It may be necessary to see a health professional and take measures to gain weight if the loss is becoming a health hazard. See a health professional and take measures to gain weight if it's becoming a health hazard.
Regulation of diet and adjustment of medication are two methods used for weight gain with ADHD. A balanced diet high in protein with frequent snacks is ideal. Products with full fat are effective for weight gain with ADHD, and a doctor can help in developing a balanced nutrition plan.
Adjusting the dose of medication or changing medication may also help with weight regulation. There are alternatives to stimulants that may still be beneficial, such as Strattera, which is slow-acting but provides the same benefits over a long time period.
One common misconception is that there is a weight-gain product specifically for those with ADHD. While there are a variety of supplements that may be useful, they are not specifically recommended for ADHD. Weight is best regulated by diet.
Some stimulant drugs for ADHD are addictive and may lead to abuse. It is extremely important to take the proper dosage prescribed by the doctor and to never give the medication to others. Stimulant drugs for ADHD may cause insomnia and irritability along with weight loss. Consult with a qualified physician about coping with the side effects of stimulant medication.