What Kind of Doctor Do ADHD Children Need to See?
A pediatrician may be the first to observe ADHD tendencies in a child and refer parents to one of three types of specialists who are experts in pediatric ADHD: a child psychiatrist, a neurologist or a psychologist.
Child Psychiatrist
Child psychiatrists specialize in diagnosing and treating pediatric psychiatric conditions such as ADHD. Some psychiatrists work with psychologists to provide ongoing ADHD support.
Pediatric neurologists specialize in the nerve and brain function of children and can diagnose ADHD.
Psychologists assist those with ADHD to develop coping strategies and improve behavior. A psychologist cannot prescribe medication.
How to Decide
Deciding which kind of specialist to consult is a very personal matter. Some parents think there's a stigma in seeing a psychiatrist. Others believe that a psychiatrist is the best choice of all. A good pediatrician can make suggestions and give referrals. Word of mouth can also be very useful.
The above information is not a substitute for proper medical assessment, and professional advice should always be sought.