Do narcissists rage at you during the discard phase?
Some common reasons why narcissists may engage in raging behavior during the discard phase include:
Loss of control: Narcissists often need to feel in control of their environment and the people in their lives. When they sense that they are losing control or that someone is challenging their authority, they may respond with rage as a way to regain power.
Insecurity: Narcissists often have a deep-seated sense of insecurity and inadequacy. When they feel threatened or criticized, they may react defensively and lash out with rage to protect their fragile self-esteem.
Lack of empathy: Narcissists generally lack the ability to understand and consider the feelings of others. This lack of empathy can make them insensitive to the emotional impact of their words and actions, leading to hurtful and rageful outbursts.
Projection: Narcissists often project their negative feelings and insecurities onto others. They may accuse their partner of being angry or irrational when, in reality, it is the narcissist who is experiencing these emotions.
Grandiosity: Narcissists may also engage in raging behavior as a way to maintain their sense of superiority. They may see their partner as inferior and unworthy of their attention, which can fuel feelings of anger and contempt.
It is important to note that not all narcissists will display rage during the discard phase. Some may exhibit other manipulative or hurtful behaviors, such as silent treatment, gaslighting, or blame-shifting. The specific behaviors will vary depending on the individual and their personality traits.
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