What are the symptoms of narcissism?
- Exaggerated sense of self-importance
- Belief in one's own superiority
- Need for admiration and attention
Lack of empathy
- Difficulty understanding the feelings of others
- Lack of concern for the needs of others
- Disregard for the feelings and rights of others
- Taking advantage of others for personal gain
- Manipulating others to get what one wants
- Exploiting others' weaknesses
- Feeling jealous of the success or achievements of others
- Resenting others who have what one wants
- Feeling entitled to what others have
- Acting in a haughty or condescending manner
- Believing oneself to be better than others
- Disrespecting others
Need for admiration
- Constantly seeking praise and admiration from others
- Feeling worthless or empty without admiration
- Boasting about one's accomplishments
- Feeling insecure or inadequate deep down
- Needing to feel superior to others to feel good about oneself
- Fear of being exposed as a fraud
- Feeling entitled to special treatment or privileges
- Believing oneself to be above the rules
- Expecting others to cater to one's needs