ADHD Characteristics in Adults
Lack of Concentration
The inability to remain focused on tasks, projects or even trains of thought is one sign of potential ADHD in an adult. This can cause problems at work when a person can't maintain concentration long enough to fulfill tasks. Lack of concentration can affect personal relationships as well if a person cannot stay engaged in conversations or activities.
Being disorganized can lead to problems at both work and at home. The inability to to stay organized, prioritize or stick to a routine can have adverse consequences. Disorganization can lead to missed appointments, late payments on bills and lost items.
From bouncing legs to jittery hands to pacing the floor, being restless can affect an adult's ability to rest, relax, work and even sleep properly. Getting the restless feeling in check is an important function of diagnosing and treating adult ADHD.
Impulsive actions, thoughts, words and mannerisms can all be symptoms of adult ADHD. This sign is more pronounced in adults than it is in children. This is because adults should have the ability to control their impulses than children, so inappropriate behaviors are more noticeable. For those with ADHD, impulsive behavior can present itself in talking loudly or out of turn, interrupting others, overeating, drinking too much, promiscuity or otherwise indulgent behavior.