Alternative ADHD Curriculum for Boys
Specialized Schools
In schools that have smaller class sizes, teachers can give more attention to individual students. This can be of benefit to boys with ADHD. Private schools for boys with ADHD can be of benefit. Some allow for greater flexibility in choice as far as what subjects to study and how. Most have classes that are much smaller in size than public schools, meaning fewer distractions and more creative opportunities.
Oral Teaching and Testing
Oral methods of teaching and testing can help boys with ADHD to keep up and excel. Have boys verbalize the lessons, using question and answer, oral reports and even oral tests. Some boys who have a difficult time focusing on a book and paper assignment, excel when instructed or tested orally. A boy can produce reports or class assignments verbally with a tape recorder. This can help him to organize his thoughts and to remember.
Graphic and Art Enriched
Graphics, graphic organizers, visual aids, maps, posters, drawing assignments and projects, help boys with ADHD to focus. Giving boys with ADHD art assignments based on knowledge of the material can help them to get involved with the curriculum, to retain attention and to retain information. Many boys with ADHD are visually-oriented and benefit from art enrichment in their curriculum.
Some children who might not be attentive in class do well with homeschooling. With successful homeschooling there is a format and structure that boy needs to follow, and it means work for the parent. Parents need to research various curriculum options for homeschooling as well as those designed for children with special needs such as ADHD. Parents have many choices in homeschooling curriculum.