ADHD Learning Styles
This style involves learning by hearing. Discussions and participation in class are the best tools for an auditory learner with ADHD, as the active involvement keeps the student focused. Also, reading aloud to himself will help him better comprehend his studies. A good practice for someone who is an audio learner is to record lessons discussed in class for later reference during homework or projects.
A visual student learns better by seeing what is being taught. Pictures and movies generate a better response in the student's learning. A good practice for a visual learner is to take notes and draw pictures when applicable. Bright colors and interesting styles can help keep the ADHD student engaged, and will help with information retention.
Kinesthetic learners do best when they are learning by "doing." Being active and physical will keep the student from becoming bored or distracted.
Activities involving labs and demonstrations or even field trips encourage the child to stay attentive. This type of student should also be allowed an object to fidget with or to read aloud to the class during down time.