Physical and Mental Signs of ADHD
A common sign of ADHD is frequent fidgeting or an inability to sit still. People with the condition squirm in their seats, fidget with their hands and fiddle with objects.
People with ADHD often appear restless. They stand up and walk around frequently, even when remaining seated seems more appropriate to the situation. Children with the condition may not stay in their desks at school even when directed to do so.
People with ADHD are easily distracted, even by things that would not normally distract most people. They have difficulty focusing on tasks and often move from one unfinished project to another.
Failure to Complete Projects
People with ADHD frequently begin projects or tasks that they do not finish. This includes homework or school assignments, projects or tasks on the job and household projects or chores.
People with ADHD often appear disorganized. Students or employees have messy desks and frequently lose or misplace items. They also seem forgetful. Students forget to complete or turn in assignments. Adults miss appointments.
Lack of Attention to Detail
People with the condition seem not to pay attention to detail and make mistakes that seem careless. Students turn in sloppy assignments.
Excessive Talking
People with ADHD seem to talk excessively. They "talk over" other people or interrupt others and blurt things out without thinking.
Difficulty Attending to Conversations
People with the condition shift abruptly from one topic of conversation to another. They appear not to listen when others talk.
Not all people with ADHD suffer from depression, but the Mayo Clinic reports that many children with ADHD do. Symptoms of depression include feelings of sadness, loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed, sleep disturbances, feelings of hopelessness and thoughts of death or suicide.