Does your child have adhd even if he can sit still and pay attention is doing something likes?
This is because ADHD is not simply a lack of attention. It is a complex disorder that affects multiple areas of brain function, including attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. People with ADHD may have difficulty focusing on tasks that they find boring or uninteresting, but they may be able to hyperfocus on things that they find engaging.
In addition, people with ADHD may also have difficulty regulating their emotions and motor activity. This can make it difficult for them to sit still even when they are trying to pay attention. They may also fidget or tap their feet in order to release excess energy.
Therefore, it is possible for someone with ADHD to be able to sit still and pay attention when they are doing something they enjoy, but they may have difficulty doing so when they are performing activities that they find difficult or boring.
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