Why Are Kids With ADHD So Hard to Get Along With?
ADHD children often create a lot of noise, and may start arguments or fights in order to stimulate their frontal lobes (which controls impulse control, judgment, and attention span).
The ADD child is prone to emotional outbursts, embarrassing those around them. Learning to step away and decompress can be a vital survival tactic for an ADD child.
ADD children often seek to make the rules in game play, and often become very combative and unwavering in their expectations.
ADHD children often forget places they promised to be or things they were supposed to do for friends, creating the false impression that they are thoughtless or irresponsible.
Speak Before They Think
Children with ADD struggle with their impulsive natures, and often blurt out anything that comes to mind with no understanding for the consequences. This often makes people uncomfortable, and can deeply hurt others' feelings.