Treatments Used for ADHD
ADHD Diagnosis
Being diagnosed with ADHD can be a cumbersome process. Many qualifications must be met in order to avoid a misdiagnosis. All diagnoses should be made by a qualified physician.
Prescription Treatment
Prescription treatment for ADHD includes central nervous system stimulants, including Ritalin and Adderall. In certain situations, various antidepressants, beta blockers or anticonvulsants may be prescribed.
Alternative Treatment
Dr. David B. Sudderth believes alternative treatments can be used in certain situations. Examples are psychotherapy, group therapy or biofeedback. All alternative treatment should be carefully monitored by a physician.
Herbal Treatment
Many herbalists claim that certain supplements can improve various symptoms of ADHD. These herbs are rarely recommended as medical treatment by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, so you should contact a physician before attempting to self-medicate.
Due to their addictive qualities, central nervous system stimulants must be monitored carefully. If you are concerned, talk to your doctor about alternative treatment that is not habit-forming.