Symptoms & Diagnostic Tools for ADHD Disorder
Easily Distracted
People with ADHD are easily distracted, and listening for lengthy periods of time is difficult. Things can be said and misinterpreted easily or not heard altogether.
In a Moment
People with ADHD possess an extraordinary ability to focus, but a single thought can turn into an hours-long obsession without the ADHD person even noticing.
I'll Rest When . . .
People with ADHD never seem to stop; they are constantly on the move, fidgety, lack normal sleep habits and rarely stop talking.
The Good, Bad and Ugly
Super organization or complete disorder can mark the dwelling of an ADHD person. When something is put out of place, someone with ADHD can become quite distraught and lose his temper very suddenly.
I Don't Deserve . . .
ADHD can drive its sufferers inward in very destructive ways, often exacerbating prevalent self-confidence issues and leading to isolation and depression.