Overfocused ADHD & Treatment
Once diagnosed with overfocused ADHD, find a psychiatrist who specializes in the treatment of ADHD. With his help, you can begin a regimen of medications to address the physiology of the brain.
Unlike other types of ADHD, stimulant medications used alone can exacerbate an already overactive mind. Overfocused ADHD types need medications designed to stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine (Effexor is a good example).
St. John's wort and L-tryptophan are excellent natural supplements to increase serotonin in the brain of an overfocused ADHD patient.
Neurofeedback is an excellent way to gain a better understanding of how your brain functions. It can ease the natural tendency to worry in the overfocused ADHD patient.
Plan of Attack
Start figuring out a daily schedule of responsibilities and expectations; it helps deal with the obsessive worrying of overfocused ADHD because everything is written down. Be realistic with your goals and consistent in their application.