How to Treat ADHD With Caffeine
Things You'll Need
- Coffee
- Caffeine pills
Consult your doctor. Caffeine as ADHD treatment is a controversial subject, and you must talk with your doctor, especially when treating a child.
Determine the amount of caffeine needed per day to act as a treatment for ADHD. This is based on height, weight and age and should be determined by your doctor. Caffeine dosage should not exceed 300 mg a day.
Brew coffee. A 12-ounce cup of coffee contains roughly 75 to 100 mg of caffeine. This can be lessened by brewing less coffee with the same amount of coffee. Drink a cup of coffee in the morning in accordance with the caffeine dosage determined. Drink another cup in the early afternoon if it fits within your dosing.
Use caffeine pills instead of coffee. The taste of coffee is not for everyone, especially children. Caffeine pills can be purchased in most pharmacies. Be aware of the caffeine content of one pill when purchasing them and aim for 100 mg per pill. The pill can be split into two. Administer 50 mg of caffeine in the morning and another 50 mg in the early afternoon, Do not exceed the doctor's dosing.
Drink five to eight glasses of water a day. The body needs the appropriate amount of water daily to function properly, and caffeine is a diuretic. Be sure to consume enough water throughout the day while consuming so much caffeine.