How to Get Help for ADHD With ODD
Diagnosis and Treatment
Talk with your child's teacher and school counselor. Get a comprehensive list of behaviors that are disruptive and impact your child's ability to learn. If ODD symptoms have been exhibited at school, ask the teacher and counselor to give details about the encounter.
Make note of behaviors at home that contribute to your child's problems, such as being late for school, patterns of defiance or inability to complete tasks. Compile grade cards and behavior records from school and extracurricular activities.
Talk to a pediatrician to rule out any other disorders that may be occurring, such as a hearing or vision problem, or a learning disability. Discuss the items noted in school and at home. Request a referral to a child psychologist or behavioral clinic.
Work with a counselor or therapist to devise a treatment plan. Plans may include medication in conjunction with therapy that should be followed closely to ensure the best care. Keep in touch with the therapist when problems arise or if medication seems to be ineffective.
Be positive with your child about the doctor's visits. Encourage him to talk to you about feelings and emotions when visiting the doctor, and try to be positive about methods of treatment.
Help from Friends and Family
Get involved with support groups and parent groups for children with ADHD and ODD. Support groups can help your child talk over issues he may be having, and help him understand that many children experience the same problems. Listen to other parents for tips on handling ODD behaviors.
Reach out to friends and family members for help during the diagnosis phase and during treatment. Ask for help when you're overstressed with the child's behavior.
Notify the child's school counselor and teacher of the outcome of testing, and let them know what needs to be done to ensure that the child is receiving appropriate care and educational opportunities. Express the need to be patient with a child who has ODD, as the disorder often makes children openly hostile and argumentative at school.