What Are the Signs of ADD?
Impulsive Behavior
Children with ADHD who display impulsive behavior often act impatiently, fail to wait for their turn to speak, say inappropriate things, interrupt other people's conversations and/or act without thinking about the consequences of their behavior.
Inattentive Behavior
Inattentive behavior in children with ADHD includes getting easily distracted, moving quickly from one activity to another, having problems learning new ideas, not listening when someone speaks to them, having a hard time completing homework and tasks, frequently losing possessions, and having a difficult time following instructions.
Hyperactive Behavior
Hyperactive behavior in children with ADHD includes fidgeting when sitting down in school or at home, talking incessantly, moving around constantly, and/or having a difficult time engaging in quiet activities.
The Attention Deficit Disorder Association states that children are only diagnosed with ADHD if they show signs of having the disorder for six months or longer, starting when they are younger than seven years old. If their behavior causes them to have problems at school and/or home, they are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD.
Boys and Girls
According to the Mayo Clinic, boys with ADHD often display symptoms of hyperactivity while girls with the disorder are more often inattentive. This means that girls more often daydream while boys display disruptive behavior.