Focus ADHD Remedies
Use Common Sense
First, you can try to minimize the symptoms of ADHD. Avoiding sugar is a great first step. Extra sugar may make you restless and exacerbate the condition because your body does not process sugar as well as others. Avoid both diet and regular soft drinks as well; these contain phosphates that make the muscles overwork themselves.
Get Physical
ADHD causes hyperactivity and restlessness, so use up that excess energy. Intense physical activity will greatly benefit ADHD sufferers---jog, play sports, box for at least thirty minutes a day. Try to alternate your choice of activity so that you stay interested in working out. Exercise releases endorphins---brain chemicals that are the body's natural painkillers---that can enhance your focus and keep your muscles calmer. The more you exercise, the better able you will be to manage ADHD symptoms.
Herbal Supplements
Herbs such melatonin, ginseng and ginkgo biloba are staples of alternative medicine in treating ADHD. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not regulate herbal supplements, so be cautious when selecting such products. If you are taking other medications, consult your physician before you take the herbal supplements to avoid interactions. You may be taking Adderall to control your ADHD, which has long been the main medication for treating the condition.